5G - The Next Big Deal!
5G - The Next Big Deal! The world is blessed with the bliss of 4 G networks. Today Internet is our grasp faster than ever. Today we browse Google, post on Facebook,Twitter, scroll in Wikipedia, watch in Youtube, Netflix, Amazon and upload pics in Instagram more quickly than before. Digital payments are not a fact of concern because of 4 G networks and the providers. But it is not the end of the Speed limit it can reach. Data communication can reach further speed and agility. In the growing era of digital communication and data transfer we are about to meet a new generation of Networks - The 5 th Generation( 5 G) . It is really a big thing to talk about. The 5 G will come with a brilliant number of possibilities and opportunities. Not just the Telecom industry but the end users will also enjoy its benefits. I have listed a few properties of this upcoming beast for information. Speed :- 4G serves a speed of average 20 MbPS download and 10 MbPS upload speed. ...